Articles | Getting Performance Reviews right






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Getting Performance Reviews right







New Year equals review time. Too often, I work with Civil Contractors – large and small – where this annual process is regularly a wasted opportunity for both employers and staff to really set up a year of success. Don’t waste your opportunity. Both the employer and team member have to be prepared for this process to ensure it is more than just a tick-the-box exercise. Check out how.

Formal or informal, annual performance reviews are common this time of year and with everyone’s busy work schedule, the parties involved can often go in unprepared which makes the time fairly redundant.

Here are our tips to a successful performance review which will set you up for a year of success:


Spend some time prior to your review to look at your own career plan and think about where you want to be in 12 months’ time and what you need to get there. Whilst salary is important, it is only one factor of many. Think about your work-life balance, did you find yourself working too many hours, constantly battling people management issues or always under pressure due to lack of resources? Do you feel you have developed as a professional over the past 12 months and if not, how can you ensure this isn’t repeated over the next 12 months?


12 months is a long time! It is easy to forget what you have achieved beyond the past 3 months. Go back over the year, look through your calendar, your project outlines, your emails and notes to refresh yourself on what has been achieved. Not everything would have gone to plan, particularly across the past 3-4 months, and that is ok. Key learnings through adversity and “ah ha” moments are also important to think about, as are difficult conversations or conflicts with team members.

Ultimately, you want to be able to discuss with your manager key milestones and experiences across the year that have developed you into a better operator or a better leader.


Walking out of your annual review, it is important that you and your manager are on the same page on both a personal and organisational level. Honest and transparent communication is critical to ensure the best possible working relationship. Don’t be afraid to ask “how can I improve?”.

Being consistent on the key organisational objectives are also crucial. Which project is of key importance and why? Are there specific metrics or performance measures your manager is focused on in the coming 12 months?  What is your manager’s highest priority?

Another great outcome is planning regular, frank conversations throughout the coming year to discuss performance, outcomes and projects. There is no rule that you have to wait until your next annual review.


We all have talents and we all have shortfalls. Are there any areas in your role that are crucial to your success over the next 12 months that align to a gap in your skill set? If so, how can that skill gap be closed?

Research the options that are available internally and externally to make you a more complete manager and leader in your organisation that will lead to both organisational and personal success.



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