Articles | Reclaiming Your Zoom Mojo: Eight Tips for Banishing F






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Reclaiming Your Zoom Mojo: Eight Tips for Banishing Fatigue








The Institute of Civil Infrastructure (ICI) has fully embraced the trend of online learning platforms for professional development, by introducing an innovative "Industry First" method that combines the advantages of live, online training with the effectiveness of face-to-face learning. To learn more about the advantages offered by ICI, click here.

With virtual classes the new norm, it's easy to feel drained after a few hours of staring at a screen.

Here are eight tips to help you overcome Zoom fatigue and make the most of your virtual classroom experience.

Make space

Prepare a dedicated workspace that promotes productivity and comfort. Things to check:

  • Plenty of light
  • Comfortable chair
  • Desk at the right height
  • Quiet environment
  • And bonus tip: try moving the screen further away from you!

Ditch the Desktop

If you can, login to the session from your iPad or laptop instead of the desktop.  This will allow you to move around and stretch, which can be refreshing after sitting in front of a screen for hours.  At ICI we believe in flexibility; we’ve even had attendee’s login from their truck onsite!

Hear me?

Login to the ICI session early, and ensure the audio (and video) for the session is working.  Also try using headphones! Wearing headphones or EarPods can help you to hear the Presenter and other attendees more clearly, and block out any background noise that may be distracting.

Take breaks

There are allocated breaks during each session - take advantage; grab a drink, stretch your legs. This can help boost your energy level and improve your attention span.

Get in the zone

It’s easy to get distracted while attending a virtual course.  We get it – work goes on.  Avoid multitasking during a Zoom session by focusing on the presentation. Switch off your phone. Don’t answer emails. And taking notes by hand can help you stay engaged and attentive.

Get engaged

Engaging with other attendees and the Presenter is a great strategy to alleviate Zoom fatigue. Actively participate in discussions and group projects to foster a sense of connection and collaboration. Don't hesitate to ask questions whenever you're uncertain about a topic. By actively involving yourself in the virtual classroom experience, you can combat fatigue and enhance your overall learning.

Wanna chat?

You can also use the chat feature in Zoom to ask questions or communicate with other attendees. This can help you stay engaged and can be a useful way to get clarification on topics you don't understand.


Limiting your screen time outside of the session can also help prevent Zoom fatigue. If you do use screens a lot in your day to day, try to take breaks from your computer whenever possible, and make sure you're getting enough exercise and fresh air. This can help reduce eye strain and prevent burnout.

Zoom fatigue is a common issue in virtual classrooms. However, by creating a comfortable workspace, taking breaks, engaging with attendees, using different learning methods, and limiting your screen time, you can overcome Zoom fatigue and make the most of your virtual classroom experience. 

By Wendy Climpson
Member Services Coordinator - ICI Australia

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