Articles | Setting Goals for your Career Plan






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Setting Goals for your Career Plan






Setting Goals for your Career Plan

Have you ever wondered why one individual is more successful than another? It’s not because they are smarter, well, in some ways yes but it’s not brain smarts. It’s because they take the time to plan, they look at what it is that they are setting out to achieve and break it down into bite size chunks. They create a road map so they know exactly where they are starting, the steps that need to be taken to achieve the ultimate goal and they don’t stop there. They regularly review their progress and make deviations to the plan if it is to serve them.

So where do you start? You set your long-term goal – think big picture, look into the future, visualise yourself living out that position, what does it look and feel like? Now look at the short-terms goals that will assist you to achieve your long-term one, during this planning phase it is important that you also include what steps you will take.

Remember goals need to be SMART.

S – Be specific. Define what your goal actually is – I want to be the General Manager at X Company by the time I am 40.

M – Be measurable – you need to be able to measure if you have achieved your goal. Define the timeframe for achieving and identify a way in which determines that you have actually achieved them. Applying for the General Manager position and becoming the successful applicant.

A – Be attainable – ensure your goal is realistic. Identify the resources or tools you need to achieve your goal so you can achieve it. Continuing on the General Manager scenario, you identify that you need to strengthen your skill set in managing finances, you could then set a small goal into researching continuing professional development and courses that would then provide you with the knowledge to be a favourable candidate when you apply for the position.

R – Be relevant. Does the goal align with your career progression? Taking a course on horticulture is not going to give you the relevant skills required to be a General Manager unless of course it is a horticulture company you wish to work for.

T – Be Time based. Those who achieve their goals, set time limits, they know what they need to do and when they need to do it by. Which ties back into being specific with your goal.

By achieving your career goals, you receive in return increased job satisfaction, higher self-esteem and improved quality of life in all areas. Reach for the stars and dream big.

Now what does your road map look like? Turn your vision into a reality, create a vision board to keep you on track, look at it daily and remember goals were not designed to be easy, if they were everyone would be doing them.

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