

Our goal as the industry’s only dedicated CPD provider is to support your future. We keep you updated, keep you informed and keep you motivated. We provide you with the people, the opportunity, the expertise and the training to take you from where you are, to where you want to be.







See latest updates below;

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Setting Goals for your Career Plan

Have you ever wondered why one individual is more successful than another? It’s not because they are smarter, well, in some ways yes but it’s not brain smarts. It’s because they take the time to plan, they look at what it is that they are setting out to achieve and break it down into bite size chunks. They create a road map so they know exactly where they are starting, the steps that need to be taken to achieve the ultimate goal and they don’t stop there. They regularly review their progress and make deviations to the plan if it is to serve them.
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Invest In You In 2020

In the following opinion piece, David Castledine, CEO of CCF NSW and the Institute of Civil Infrastructure, shares his personal approach to professional development.  In my view, everyone should invest some time in personal learning. It’s good for themselves and their career, and it’s good for the industry. Everyone knows this, but few do it, particularly in the civil industry. Here is the strategy I have honed over my 40-year working career; it has taken me from Apprentice to CEO.

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