Articles | The impacts of Strong Leadership






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The impacts of Strong Leadership







The top 10 indicators that your leadership team is operating at its best.

Your Leadership team sets the stage for a productive work environment, efficient project execution, and overall organisation success.  Instilling your management team with the skillsets needed to create a confident, autonomous team is a challenge – but one which can have profound impacts on your organisation.

But how do you define, and recognise good leadership?  We’ve put together our top 10 indicators that your management team is operating at their best.

  1. Clear Vision and Direction

Teams working with a good leader understand the strategic direction - both for their department, and for the overall organisation.  Strong leaders ensure that everyone is aligned towards common goals and objectives.

  1. Improved Communication

Communication is a priority.  Managers who facilitate a better understanding and coordination among employees, teams, and stakeholders are shown to improve productivity

  1. High Employee Morale

Inspiration and motivation are high – providing team members with higher levels of job satisfaction and engagement.

  1. Staff Retention

Good Leaders have a committed long-term team.  They understand the impact of positive leadership on recruitment and training costs. 

  1. Project Management

Effective leaders ensure that projects are well-planned, organized, and executed.  While there will always be factors outside a managers control, risk analysis and proactive management ensure project delays are minimised.

  1. Strong Safety Culture

Good leaders know that prioritising safety, and creating a culture of safety, has a long-term positive impact on their ability to perform as a team. 

  1. Accountability

Teams under strong leaders take ownership of their actions, they understand the importance of their role within the overall project – and commit to getting it done.

  1. Having tough conversations

Good leaders are skilled at resolving conflicts and disagreements, and ensure issues are managed quickly.  They understand that, while conflict cannot always be avoided, it can be used to the team’s advantage.

  1. Innovative and Adaptability

With visionary leadership, the team embraces innovation and adapts to changing market trends at a faster rate.  Long-term competitiveness and overall strength of the organisation grows.

  1. Reputation

The market recognizes good leadership.  A civil construction company with a strong leadership team builds reputation, attracts talent, clients and projects.

Want to build the leadership team in your company?

The Institute of Civil Infrastructure partners with Civil Construction companies to help build talent.  Learn more about how we can help build your leadership team at the link below

ICI Australia Leadership program

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